Recently I spent nearly 2 months procrastinating about a decision. I had days where I absolutely knew the right decision to make, and others where figuring out what to do seemed like the hardest thing in the world. I really had no idea which of two paths to take.
Fear of the unknown started to creep in, the ‘what if’ questions start swirling around, and the mind went into protect mode to try and keep me in the known rather than leap into the unknown. My brain was in a constant argument with itself.
And to be honest, I would probably still be sitting here trying to figure it out if I hadn’t suddenly had this one question pop into my head.
I sat down and asked myself “Do I honestly think I was put on this earth to spend the rest of my life doing xyz”. And the answer was immediate. It came from a place of the heart not the head.
Our lives are what we make of them. There are endless stories of people who have overcome huge obstacles to create a future that inspires them. And there are others who become trapped in the reality of what their minds tell them is their truth. We’ve all been there – stuck in a situation which we see no way out of and our heads giving us every reason under the sun as to why our circumstance is different and we really can’t change.
But there is ALWAYS a choice. Of course, there might be consequences and repercussions, but we have to be true to ourselves. Otherwise we live our lives for others.
So – if you have something in your life that is not fulfilling you, ask yourself that question and listen to the answer as your heart catches your head unawares and gets it’s answer in first.
Xx Sophie